Glasses and mirrors.


7 Antworten zu „Glasses and mirrors.”.

  1. Very good. I tried this a few weeks ago, but didn’t quite get it to work.

    Gefällt 1 Person

    1. It’s not so easy. I tried it several times. I hoped for a better result…😉


  2. Sorry, that should say fell, not feel. Auto correct or proof of the vertigo component?

    Gefällt 1 Person

  3. Very cool but it conjures up memories of vertigo. Or, is that the idea? Oops, sorry, I just feel over! Pretty successful pic.

    Gefällt 1 Person

  4. Very cool abstract capture!

    Gefällt 1 Person

  5. […] …(more echoes in the ether…eh, Siimoneteffect?)… […]

    Gefällt 1 Person

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