„Fish Chips“


15 Antworten zu „”.

  1. Great Capture, is it Brighton?


    1. Yes, it is! I love Brighton…how lucky you are! ;-))

      Gefällt 1 Person

      1. Yes, it is a great place to live!


      2. I love the little streets and shops….and drinking coffee at the beach… 🙂

        Gefällt 1 Person

      3. Me too although I’m spoilt as I have it when I want! Brighton has a pull certainly, lay lines, the sea or the beautiful madness who knows 😊

        Gefällt 1 Person

  2. Lovely shot, gorgeous cycling, mushy peas are an acquired taste I have not managed to make my own!


    1. Me too, but I found a lot of recipes for mushy peas…maybe I will try…. 😉


  3. Avatar von CarolynEliason

    Really enjoy this. Mushy peas, sounds like a good thing for babies at least! 😜


    1. Haha….I don’t know… I just found lot of recipes for mushy peas in the internet. I won’t try it, but it’s really interesting.


      1. Actually I spelled that wrong – should be excellente! Glad you figured it out. Smiles


  4. They’re advertising mushy peas as if they’re proud of it? Is this a British thing? Because mushy peas sound dreadful to this American ear!

    I love the contrast your work always has. In this shot it helps bring out all the great detail.


    1. Thank you Jim! I think it’s traditional British…


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