

12 Antworten zu „”.

  1. Wonderment #1

    Water rushes, tickling feet with sand.
    Gilgamesh relaxes by the sea.
    Purple Echinacea sends a cone into rain.
    Chopin laughs and strokes his polonaise.
    A beetle digs the desert, over oil.
    Chang Sung-Up daubs a mystery in ink.

    Water trickles down a granite wall.
    Lao-Tzu hikes through summer’s offerings.
    Yellow lilies waver in the wind.
    Tasman lacquers the last board of his keel.
    Crystals mingle with Icelandic ash.
    Lodi licks his chops, nudge-nudge, wink-wink.

    Water batters barns from red to gray.
    Burck paints Frida as Leipzig hums along.
    Canandaigua feels the White Snake’s breath.
    Handsome Lake enjoys a drive-in movie.
    Sesame rice lands in a wooden bowl.
    Africa snaps a twig and starts to think.


    1. What a beautiful poem, very intriguing! Great work! Thank you so much! 🙂


  2. great contrast and nicely balanced – I really like this pic. Thanks for sharing


    1. Thanks a lot! 🙂


  3. Avatar von imran zahid
    imran zahid

    nice work simon


    1. Thank you Imran!


    1. Thank you! 🙂


    1. Thanks a lot Maverick! 🙂


  4. Outstanding! I love the lighting here.


    1. I’m glad to hear that, thank you Nicodemas! 🙂

      Gefällt 1 Person

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