10 Gedanken zu “

  1. This photo is like a sad poem that speaks to me and touches my soul. I get very emotional looking at it. And, like all your photos, I have been looking at it for a very long time. A restaurant is a place where people meet, eat, enjoy the presence of each other, talk and connect with each other. It is a place that can stand as a symbol for our human needs to interact and communicate with each other, to share moments of togetherness. This photo reveals the exact opposite: rejection, isolation, loneliness. The empty chairs facing away, like the only customer showing us his massive back.

    I wonder if you, as the poet, the photographer, see what I see? Or is it just my own sadness that I feel reflected in something that is not there?

    Anyway, thank you for sharing your art. You are doing an amazing job!


    • Hi Jens….and thank you so much for your thoughtful and in-depth comment! Indeed I got the same impression when I passed that restaurant. In particular it was the pure black figure with the huge hat that made the whole scene so interesting and emotional for me.

      Gefällt 1 Person

  2. I love this! There are so many wonderful, interesting details in this image yet you’ve also composed it in such a way that they all belong together in that moment. Lovely work.


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